Thursday 25 June 2009

Day 4: Thursday

Thursday, a good half hour of the morning was wasted on a wild goose chase trying to find out who could tell me where to find the IT people that could then tell me where to find the software I required. I had to then get a new sign on for the School of Computer science department.

It has given me an idea that could lead into the makings of a good app with mash-ups of database and possibly even maps. An app that would a member of Westminster could use to identify where to find computers with the desired software they require, which campus to find it, how many computers have it and possibly the room's location on a floorplan map.

The morning I spent figuring out how to use AutoCAD and then getting the desired format of map for the app. Basically it mean making everything monochrome and removing unnecisary data. I made all the maps into large scale PDF's to work on later.

In the afternoon I got on editing them on Photoshop and making new layers for the stairs, lifts and bathroom highlighting. The layers can be saved as individual images and layered on in the programming stage of the project. Also I sent an email to David Gauntlett about mentoring.

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